![]() | Value | Characteristic | Cost | ||||
8 | Strength | -2 | |||||
25 | Dexterity | 45 | |||||
20 | Constitution | 20 | |||||
20 | Body | 20 | |||||
18 | Intelligence | 8 | |||||
25 | Ego | 25 | |||||
15 | Presence | 5 | |||||
3 | Physical Defense | 0 | |||||
4 | Energy Defense | 0 | |||||
4 | Speed | 5 | |||||
11 | Recovery | 8 | |||||
40 | Endurance | 0 | |||||
34 | STUN | 0 |
Points | Power |
14 | Elemental Control: Fire Powers |
14 | *5d6 Energy Blast (Fire Soul) (Line, Gesture, Personal Immunity, Concentrate ½ DCV, Only in Hero ID, Incantation ("Fire Soul!") |
22 | *3d6 Ranged Killing Attack (Burning Mandala) (Armor-piercing, Gesture, Personal Immunity, Concentrate ½ DCV, Only in Hero ID, Incantation ("Burning Mandala, Strike!") |
9 | 10d6 Dispel (Gesture, OAF ofuda, only works against extradimensional beings or demonic posession, Incantation ("Evil spirits, begone!") |
4 | Instant Change (Into Sailor Senshi uniform, Incantation ("Mars Star Power, Make Up!") |
Points | Talent/Skill | Roll |
24 | Martial Arts (Martial strike, Offensive strike, martial block, martial throw, martial dodge, martial escape) | |
6 | Combat Skill Levels (+2 to fire attacks) | |
7 | Breakfall | 15- |
7 | Acrobatics | 15- |
5 | Knowledge Skill: Shinto | 15- |
6 | Professional Skill: Shinto Priestess | 16- |
15 | Danger Sense (Immediate vicinity) | 11- |
4 | English (idiomatic, no accent; Japanese is native) |
Points | Disadvantages |
20 | Hunted by forces of the Dark Kingdom (More powerful, Kill, 11-) |
15 | Secret Identity: Hino Rei, High school student/Shinto Priestess |
15 | Rivalry: Professional and romantic, with Sailor Moon |
15 | DNPCs: Phobos and Deimos (Pet crows, each Normal, 11-) |
5 | DNPC: Grandfather (Slightly less powerful, 8-) |
15 | Psych. Lim.: Hot-tempered (Common, Strong) |
15 | Distictive Feature: Teenage girl (Not concealable, noticed) |
10 | Distinctive Feature: Sailor Senshi uniform (Easily concealed, causes major reaction) |
Copyright © 1997 by Midori M. Hirtzel
New--July 9, 1997
Midori M. Hirtzel