Anime Links
- Anime Web Turnpike: Want to find out
where to go to find your favorite anime series on the WWW? Look no
further, because here's the ultimate anime links list. Every anime
I've ever heard of is represented here, and a few more besides!
- The Ultimate Animanga Archive:
Here, you'll find plot summaries, images, a slide show of random anime
images, and a lot more.
- The WaRP Graphics Website: Okay,
so strictly speaking, it's not an anime site, but since I've
been a fan of ElfQuest for many years, I thought I'd include it in
here anyway. If you're at all interested in EQ, this is the place to
- The Robotech Page:
This has loads of stuff on everything to do with Robotech, from episode
summaries to convention information to images. It's also the only place I've
been able to find information about the Robotech soundtrack CD.
- The Cute Zone:
A page for everyone who likes cute anime. If (like me), you're sick
of that icky hentai anime, come here!
- Otaku World! Anime and Manga: One
of the best places I've found on the WWW to get free anime stuff! Desktop
themes, games, even paper dolls you can play with your computer --- it's all
- The Otaku no Tsuki
Web Site: A site devoted to Otaku no Tsuki, the Buffalo area anime
fan club.
Sailor Moon Links
Sailor Mars Sites
(Did you think I wasn't going to devote a list of links to my favorite Senshi?)
Heroic Legend of Arslan Links
Linking to Midori's SailorMars Shrine
If you'd like to link to Midori's SailorMars Shrine, you
can use the banner below. Please copy the banner to your own server; do not
link to this graphic as it will put a lot of undue strain on my server. Please
link to the main page,

This web page copyright © 1998 by Midori M. Hirtzel.
Last revised -- December 2, 2002
Sailor Mars navigation buttons courtesy of
Many thanks!